Lavrov invocă din nou „denazificarea”, scuzând invadarea Ucrainei de către Rusia: „Ce dacă Zelenski este evreu? Și Hitler avea sânge evreiesc”

Serghei Lavrov
Serghei Lavrov
2 mai 2022, 13:39

Serghei Lavrov a fost, duminică, într-un interviu pentru canalul de știri italian Zona Bianca, cum poate președintele rus Vladimir Putin să susțină că „denazifică” Ucraina când Volodimir Zelenski, președintele ales democratic, este evreu.

„Și ce dacă Zelenski este evreu. Asta nu contrazice existența elementelor naziste în Ucraina. Cred că și Hitler avea sânge evreiesc, iar cei mai răi antisemiți sunt evrei”, a susținut Lavrov în interviu.

Ca urmare a comentariilor lui Lavrov, Ministerul de Externe israelian l-a convocat pe ambasadorul Rusiei în Israel, Anatoli Viktorov, pentru o întâlnire de clarificare cu Gary Koren, şeful Diviziei Eurasia şi Balcanii de Vest din minister.

La rândul său, ministrul israelian de externe Yair Lapid a declarat luni că remarcile lui Lavrov sunt „deopotrivă impardonabile şi scandaloase, şi o greşeală istorică teribilă. Evreii nu s-au ucis între ei în Holocaust. Cel mai josnic nivel de rasism împotriva evreilor este să-i acuzi pe evrei înşişi de antisemitism”.

Preşedintele rus Vladimir Putin şi-a justificat invadarea Ucrainei ca mijloc de „denazificare” a ţării vecine, iar ucrainenii au comparat invazia rusă a ţării lor cu invazia Poloniei de către Germania nazistă şi au făcut alte comparaţii cu cel de-Al Doilea Război Mondial, notează TPS.

Yad Vashem, memorialul naţional al Holocaustului din Israel, a cerut tuturor părţilor să se abţină de la utilizarea terminologiei legate de Holocaust şi analogiilor cu Germania nazistă când se referă la invazia Ucrainei de către Rusia. Yad Vashem a declarat în februarie că „discursul propagandist ce însoţeşte ostilităţile actuale este saturat de declaraţii iresponsabile şi de comparaţii complet inexacte cu ideologia şi acţiunile naziste înainte şi în timpul Holocaustului. Yad Vashem condamnă această trivializare şi distorsionare a faptelor istorice ale Holocaustului”.




Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Sunday said that the fact that Ukraine’s president is Jewish does not contradict Moscow’s claims that it launched the invasion to “denazify” the country, claiming that even Hitler “had Jewish blood.”

In an interview with Italian news channel Zona Bianca,

Persistent conspiracy theories that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler had some Jewish ancestry that may have motivated his antisemitism and the murder of six million Jews have been repeatedly debunked by historians.

Announcing the invasion, Putin said that the “special military operation” would seek the “denazification” of its sovereign neighbor. Russian media has repeatedly sought to portray Ukraine as being aligned with Nazism, without evidence to support such accusations.

The head of Israel’s Yad Vashem Holocaust museum, Dani Dayan, condemned Lavrov’s remarks, which came in the same week that Israel commemorates the Holocaust, calling his words “false, delusional and dangerous, and worthy of all condemnation.”

Cross (ICRC) President following their talks in Moscow on March 24, 2022. (Kirill KUDRYAVTSEV / POOL / AFP)

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Sunday said that the fact that Ukraine’s president is Jewish does not contradict Moscow’s claims that it launched the invasion to “denazify” the country, claiming that even Hitler “had Jewish blood.”

In an interview with Italian news channel Zona Bianca, Lavrov was asked how Russian President Vladimir Putin could claim he was trying to “denazify” Ukraine when Volodymyr  Zelensky, the country’s democratically elected president, was Jewish.

“So what if Zelensky is Jewish. The fact does not negate the Nazi elements in Ukraine. I believe that Hitler also had Jewish blood,” Lavrov said, adding that “some of the worst antisemites are Jews.”

Persistent conspiracy theories that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler had some Jewish ancestry that may have motivated his antisemitism and the murder of six million Jews have been repeatedly debunked by historians.

Announcing the invasion, Putin said that the “special military operation” would seek the “denazification” of its sovereign neighbor. Russian media has repeatedly sought to portray Ukraine as being aligned with Nazism, without evidence to support such accusations.Persistent conspiracy theories that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler had some Jewish ancestry that may have motivated his antisemitism and the murder of six million Jews have been repeatedly debunked by historians.

Announcing the invasion, Putin said that the “special military operation” would seek the “denazification” of its sovereign neighbor. Russian media has repeatedly sought to portray Ukraine as being aligned with Nazism, without evidence to support such accusations.

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